Saturday, August 6, 2011


Assalamualaikum to all of you guys out there, I know its kinda late to wish Selamat  Berpuasa to you but at least I said it okay? :3

hehe I did this video a day before ramadhan but im one of a lazy biatch so I uploaded it today.
I know i look fat. I AM FAT :P and i don't care bout it hohoho

well, as for Muslims, this month is a fasting month for all of yer who've already Baligh.
Wajib PUASA tahu tak, kecuali bagi para wanita yang dimana mereka ada flag merah.
Sebulan je pun.. apa susah sangat kan?
Kita patut hormat bulan puasa okengg? :3 ni je la kot, pagipai nanti baru update, nak pergi sahur sikalang :3

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